THE Study Abroad Pod

Season 2 - #5: Internationalize Your Education Through a Peace Corps Volunteer Experience

USAC Marketing Season 2 Episode 5

Have you always been interested in the Peace Corps? Wonder what it's like to dedicate a couple of years to an international service volunteer opportunity? Want to know what to do after your study abroad program is done?

Join hosts Kate and Nicole as they ask these questions and more to Student Beyond Borders' guests and USAC University Relations Coordinators Kaitie Brown and Courtney Bauman.

Then, learn more about applying, planning, and preparing for the Peace Corps from Laura Pell, Appalachian State University's Assistant Director/Career Coach, College of Arts and Sciences and Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator.

To learn more about the Peace Corps and current volunteer experiences, visit their website and if you're a student, be sure to talk to your career center on campus for additional information and resources.  

Have an idea for a future episode or just want to learn more about study abroad? Email us at